Weekly Newsletter Friday 7th June 2024

Friday 7th June 2024 A year at St Michael's banner

Our week at St Michael's

We have returned from the half term full of eagerness and anticipation for the fun and exciting challenges that lie ahead for us in the remainder of the Trinity Term. 

It has been a joy to see so many classes making use of our outdoor space in the sunshine this week. From bug hunts in our woodlands to trips to Forest School, Geography orienteering tasks and sports matches, the children have immersed themselves in these activities which have been invaluable to their learning and skills development.

We have also begun to make tremendous use of the items generously purchased by our second hand uniform shop, Déjà Vu this week. We have been delighted to see brand new parasols added to our Pre-Prep outdoor tables as well introducing a performance stage to Pre-School for imaginative play. Thank you so much to the St Michael's community for contributing to this amount as well as our dedicated team of parent volunteers led by Melissa Samworth who make this important service possible.

Thank you to those of you who attended our stall at this year's Otford Village Fete which took place on Bank Holiday Monday during the half term break. It was wonderful to see so many St Michael's families and members of our local community at the event which was a great success. Thank you to our Years 7 and 8 helpers as well as the staff who gave their time to hosting the stall on the day. 

We have ended this week with a particularly action-packed Friday including a Prep Spelling Bee, Year 4 Roman Battle and Years 7 and 8 Careers Event. Thank you to Mrs Andrade, Mr Morgan and Mrs Shield for organising these fantastic opportunities, as well as the parents who inspired our older children with fascinating information about their jobs and the brilliant industries that they work in.   

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From the Head of Pre-Prep

Zerrin Leech

Dear Parents,

It has been lovely for the children to get out in our grounds this week without the need for coats. Thursday was a very special day for me and Aliénor. She became Pre-Prep Head for the Day after her parents secured the winning bid in the P & F Ball auction. Aliénor made an excellent Head even though her career ambitions are set on space science at the moment!

We are beginning to rehearse for all manner of final concerts, assemblies and productions. The Hall is constantly in use as children perfect those lines, cues, lyrics and actions. Please look at the school calendar to keep abreast of the dates and time of events.

Next week is a very exciting week for Year 2 who make their way to Stubbers for what has become a rite of passage as they move from Pre-Prep to Prep. It's an early start on Thursday and two days packed with amazing challenges. The biggest one is staying away from home, sleeping in a tent with their Year 2 friends. We are going to have an incredible time, Year 2!

Year 2 will also join with Year 3 on Tuesday to meet Joanna Adeyinka-Burford to hear about her new book and the ideas behind it. My annual plea at this time of year is to please remember to send your child in with a named sun hat and please apply suncream to your child before leaving the house in the morning.

Have a lovely weekend,

Zerrin Leech

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Deja Vu News banner

Déjà Vu funded projects bring joy to St Michael's!

Deja Vu

As we approach the end of the year we hope you will consider donating some of your children's outgrown uniform to St Michael's second hand uniform shop to benefit both new and current families. We really believe that Déjà Vu provides a unique and special service to our School community.

The shop exists to raise funds to support projects which will directly benefit the children at the School. Most recently, the money we have donated to St Michael’s was used to purchase table parasols for Pre-Prep to fit in the existing outside tables. This amazing addition to Pre-Prep will enable pupils to enjoy more lessons and activities outside during the summer months, protected from the sun; we know they will be very well used. Additionally, Pre-School has been making use of their wonderful new stage funded by Déjà Vu. The children have been performing role play, dance routines and even catching up with friends on the stage; their imagination has kept the platform in great use!

Déjà Vu is run entirely by volunteers and we wouldn't be able to provide this service without their weekly dedication to the Shop. From September 2024 we are looking for another parent to join our team for one hour a week. To provide a wide range of knowledge and advice, we are really looking for a parent from Pre-Prep to add to our team of various parents. It would potentially be on a Wednesday morning (with flexibility if this day isn't suitable) from 8.15am to 9.15am. It is a fun experience and helps you get to know more fellow parents from the School community.

We are still offering to buy St Michael's blazers from you (size 4 and above) for £35. 

Déjà Vu will be open on some days during the summer holidays to allow parents to prepare for September. These dates and times will be published in a future newsletter before the end of term. 

If you have any questions or could spare some time to help, please contact Melissa Samworth via email: melbrand@yahoo.co.uk


School News

Pre-Prep Sports Day 2024

Pre Prep Sports Day Collage

The weather was kind on Friday 24th May as Pre-Prep pupils participated in their annual Sports Day. The children were fantastic all day, demonstrating their effort and skills whilst competing with enthusiasm and positive spirit when trying to earn points for their house in different events.

Highlights of the event include the Reception children long jumping into the sand pit three athletes at a time, some super Year 1 200m races and the hotly contested Year 2 final sprint races. Everyone went home with a well deserved participation medal and there were lots of smiles throughout the day.

At the end of the Year 2 session, points were totalled and the Pre-Prep Sports House Cup was awarded to Dover for 2023-24. Congratulations to all those Dover pupils!

Pre Prep Sports Day Dover Winners collage

A huge thank you to the PE and Games Team as well as the Pre-Prep teachers who helped to run the events on the day. Thank you also to the family members who came to support and encourage the children throughout the day!

Mr Davies, Pre-Prep PE Teacher


The 80th anniversary of D-Day

DDay Assembly Collage

In our Chapel Services this week pupils learnt about D-Day and why this country and other nations are remembering this event 80 years later. The assembly focused on why it was necessary for the allied countries to invade occupied France in 1944 and despite the success of the operation, the great sacrifice made by thousands of young men in order for this to happen. Pupils learnt how technology, espionage and help from behind enemy lines meant that this invasion led to victory in Europe less than a year later. They heard from a veteran who can never forget his experiences, nor the many friends he lost on those beaches.

The assembly concluded with a few artefacts from the war - a real soldier’s helmet that witnessed enemy action, a compass used during the war and a soldier’s Bible which provided strength, courage and hope to thousands who risked their lives so that we might live in freedom today.

Mrs Shield, Head of History and Religious Studies


Otford Village Fete 2024

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Thank you to everyone who joined us at this year's Otford Village Fete held during the half term break. We were delighted to see so many St Michael's families (past, present and future) and to receive so much interest in our stall and French activities. 

Thank you to the Years 7 and 8 children who helped host the stall as well as the staff who gave their time to the event. 


Year 4 Roman Battle 

Roman Battle

Bursting with inspiration from their recent Roman Day, Year 4 pupils stormed St Michael's Hillfort on Friday with the Roman shields they have been busy creating in their Humanities lessons this term. 

Following a training session where the pupils practised their formations, Year 4 worked in teams to repel the flying tennis balls being launched at them by their teachers.

A very fun and immersive insight into the tactics of a Roman army!


Aliénor becomes Pre-Prep Head for the day!

Pre Prep Head for the Day

On Thursday Pre-Prep had a different Head for the day, as Year 2 pupil Aliénor had the opportunity to assist Mrs Leech. 

She began her busy day by welcoming and saying good morning to pupils on the bridge. Next on her schedule was an important meeting with Mrs Crane to discuss the status of the Summer Concert Peter Pan performance. In the meeting, Aliénor brainstormed with Mrs Crane on what materials would make the best costumes. 

In assembly, Aliénor helped Mrs Crane lead at the front and enjoyed singing alongside her. Next was another important meeting regarding Prize Giving preparations. 

At breaktime, she invited her friends Ella and Evelyn into the Head of Pre-Prep’s office for a drink and biscuit. The girls said they loved having the opportunity to see Mrs Leech’s office and felt very grown up. 

By lunchtime, the day was in full swing and Aliénor was thriving in her new role. She was very helpful when serving up lunch to Reception and did a good job supervising whilst on Garden Duty. 

Aliénor began her afternoon in the Pre-Prep Hall, testing Year 2 on their times tables. This was one of the most anticipated parts of the day as she was excited to test her fellow classmates' maths skills.

For her final meeting of the day, she accompanied Mrs Leech up to the Prep school for a meeting with the Catering Team. She then came back down to Pre-Prep to read to Kindergarten. 

Aliénor did a fantastic job as our Pre-Prep Head for the day and Mrs Leech said: "it was an exciting day and Aliénor has made a good head; I can see her being a good teacher in the future."


News from Music

Musicians impress in delightful Scholars' and Chamber Concert

Scholars' Concert Collage

To round off a busy musical first half of term, we were delighted to welcome parents and guests to Shoreham Parish Church to a lovely Scholars’ and Chamber Music concert. We run a weekly Scholars’ Enrichment programme for those pupils who have been awarded a Music Scholarship or Exhibition to meet together with selected musicians from Years 6 to 8 who have a passion for deepening their musicianship and understanding of music history. All members of the group performed as soloists in this concert and the audience were treated to a varied programme ranging from Baroque to Modern music. The Chamber Choir also performed several pieces that they originally sung on the recent tour to Tuscany. We would like to thank Jack Bennett for devising the Scholars’ Enrichment Programme and for rehearsing and accompanying all the performers, as well as our wonderful team of peripatetic teachers for their support and encouragement.

The Music Department


Old Michaelians banner

Old Michaelian Crispin presents a piece of St Michael's history


We were delighted to welcome Old Michaelian Crispin Thurlow Faber to St Michael's during the half term break. 

Crispin, who attended St Michael's Prep School in 1979, currently lives in Switzerland where he is Professor of Language and Communication at the University of Bern. Since his time at the School, he lived for ten years in South Africa, eight in London, six in Wales and then eleven in the USA. He and his family moved to Switzerland in 2014.

Although Crispin was only at St Michael's himself for a year, his family legacy at the School is deep-rooted. His grandmother Kathleen (Kate) Wagg was a teacher at the school for six or seven years during which time his father Michael Thurlow (formerly Wagg) was also a pupil. In 1979, Michael returned to the school to become Headteacher. Much to his huge disappointment, things did not work out and Michael returned with his family to South Africa in early 1980 to take up the post of lecturer and then professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Michael died in Durban in November 2012.

During his recent visit, Crispin enjoyed an extensive tour of the School with Mr Pears and met other staff members including Ellie Floyd, Lynda Binns and especially Ian Smith who also spent some time with Crispin. Crispin was able to locate pictures of his grandmother and father in the old school photos hanging in the main stairwell. He also recounted many fond memories of his own time at the School: his service as a chorister, for example, and building hidden forts made deep in the school grounds.

Crispin’s visit to St Michael’s was prompted by a desire to return a wooden tea caddy to the School belonging to Arthur Tooth, the school’s founder. The caddy has been in Crispin’s father’s care for many years after it was neglected and then discarded in 1979. We are delighted to have the donation which is a very special piece of our School's history. 

Commenting on his return to St Michael's, Crispin told Mr Pears: "I really cannot thank you enough for your time, generosity and hospitality. It was an incredibly special and moving visit - far beyond anything I had either expected or hoped for. St Michael’s has utterly transformed and is thriving which is so lovely to see."


Year 5 Science – Childhood photos request

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Our next Year 5 Science topic is on the human life cycle. Please could your child bring in three or four photos of themselves as a baby, toddler and young child which you are happy for them to glue into a resource that they will be using. As part of this activity, the children will be describing how they have changed since they were little. They will need the photos for our Science lessons in the week beginning Monday 17th June 2024. If they would like to bring in their photos in advance of this week, we will look after them until needed.

Thank you,

The Science Department


Football Camp


News from English banner



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P & F Golf Day at The Darenth

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Please click here to book your place on the P & F Golf Day.

St Michael's Umbrellas

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International Club News


News from Eco Club banner

Could you be a St Michael's Beach Hero?



Owen and Isla's Whistable Beach clean!

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Thank you to Beach Heros Owen and Isla J who did a litter pick at Whistable Beach during the half term break inspired by Owen's role in St Michael's Pre-Prep Eco Committee. They collected a lot of paper and plastic during their sweep and were very pleased with the outcome. 

Well done for making a difference!




‘Dad’ was the word this week as both the Breakfast Club and The Hive children enthusiastically began to make their special Father’s Day gifts.

Lots of games of Ping-Pong have been played and enjoyed. Meanwhile, construction models have been created from Lego and Mega blocks, whilst paper model backdrops have been designed and fashioned for small world toys.Untitled design (5)

Pre-Prep Gold Stars

Charlie E for great participation in our subitising game and recognising different amounts without counting

River R for excellent participation in our subitising bingo game, spotting different amounts quickly without counting 

Olivia W for working hard on writing sentences accurately and neatly

Leo M for writing at length with beautiful, neat handwriting

Rudy F for finding brilliant 2D and 3D shapes during his half term travels and sharing them with the class

Aria L for completing excellent half term challenges at every place she visited during half term

Mason S for creating an excellent 3D shape robot and exploring shapes during half term

Caspar H for creating a brilliant cylinder knight’s helmet and exploring shapes during half term

Teddy D for excellent writing in our English lesson

Walter B for lovely work using his senses to describe the Fire of London

Nikita V for writing a wonderfully descriptive minibeast poem

Annabella N for adding excellent detail and description into her writing

Mason M for excellent descriptive writing about the Great Fire of London

Rusen E for excellent effort and perseverance in our lessons on halves and quarters

Arthur G for his resilience and perseverance when writing a prediction for Dougal’s Deep-Sea Diary

Florence J for accurately using a clock to tell the time to o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past

Ethan M for developing his reasoning skills, particularly when learning to tell the time

Harvey R for his perseverance and effort in reading

Ella M for working hard on her Flotsam sequel, illustrating her work beautifully

Zihao G for working well in all subjects, but most notably his beautifully presented Flotsam sequel

Noah M for demonstrating determination and a wonderful sense of self-belief in Swimming


House Point Certificates 

Dover:  Poppy R; Ivan K; Daphne S and Charlotte P

Leeds: William T; Leo M and Alex K

Rochester: Jemima G; Hugo A; Hugo W; Zara-Autumn H; Liza V and Fleur S

Windsor: Dilan D; Caspar H; Sofia; Ava W; Ivy R; Kensi W and Tancred B


Players of the match banner

Players of the Match – week commencing 3rd June 2024







Senior 3rd Team

Florence D

Toluwa O

Yarik P

Excellent batting

Great bowling- all dot balls

For excellence when fielding

Senior 4th Team

Florence L

Mikayla M

Voted for by opposition for good batting

Voted for by opposition for good bowling

Colts A

Hugo M

George W

Excellent batting

Excellent batting

Colts E

Silas C

Excellent in bat, 30 runs not out!

Colts F

Nathaniel O

Xavi N

Voted for best bowling

Voted for best batting

Aces A

Clara H


Elizabeth W

Abigail S

For scoring 16 off the bat in her overs

For hitting two ‘6’s in her over

For great bowling, taking 2 wickets for 6 runs

Aces B

Poppy P

Isabel E

Chloe S

For good batting

For accurate and fast bowling

For two great catches when fielding

Aces C

Lana C

Annabella S

For good batting

For bowling a wicket

Aces D

Olanna E

Voted for by opposition

U8A Boys Tues

Whole team

For good focus and supporting each other

U8B Boys Tues

Felix B

Cayden R

For accurate bowling

For big hitting

U8C Boys Tues

Ian V

Good bowling and taking a wicket

U9A Boys

Walter M

Excellent batting

U9B Boys

Dennis I

Good bowling and focus when fielding

U9C Boys

Conrad B

For perseverance

U8A Boys Thurs

Matthew D

Great bowling and batting

U8B Boys Thurs

Cayden R

For big hitting

U8C Boys Thurs

Edward H

Excellent and enthusiastic fielding


Shoot for the stars

Hockey silver for St Michael's trio!

Hockey success

Congratulations to Rayaan G, Adam J and Hugo M who took part in the UK Indoor Hockey Grand Slam in Derby for Sevenoaks Hockey Club U10 boys' team over the half term. Despite narrowly missing out on gold, they achieved a well deserved silver, especially given many of the team were new to indoor hockey on the day! A huge achievement for the boys!


Camp Beaumont is back this summer!

Camp Beaumont is coming back to St Michael's for summer from Monday 15th July to Friday 16th August 2024.

Click here to book your child's place

Use code STMICHAELS24 for 10% off your booking.

Camp Beaumont


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Please click the above banner for information including: 

Cranbrook School Open Evening

Sevenoaks School Holiday Activity Programme

State Secondary School Open Events

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Community News notices banner

Please click the above banner for notices including:

Muddy Stilettos' Half Term Guide 

Dulwich Cranbrook Triathlon 

How to spot an Asian Hornet 

Sevenoaks Vine Cricket Club


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Make sure you are following St Michael’s social media channels for important updates and content throughout the year.

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