Weekly Newsletter Friday 19th January 2024

A year at St Michael's banner

From the Head

Dear Parents,

Our week has been filled with opportunities to innovate and discover as we've enjoyed a range of immersive learning experiences across St Michael's.

Appearing on Monday, a large, mysterious egg has been the talk of Pre-Prep as the children have used both their imagination and detective skills to decipher where it came from and what hatched from it! The pupils have impressed us with their enthusiasm and creative hypotheses; we are waiting for an update from the Estates Team as to whether they have managed to catch the dinosaur yet!

Meanwhile in Prep, our Year 3 petrologists became rock experts on Monday, creating their own fossils and taking part in experiments to better understand rock cycle processes.

On Wednesday, I was delighted to join our Year 4 children on their visit to London's O2 Arena as they took part in Young Voices. Our children joined together with 8500 others to form the largest children’s choir in the world for a spectacular performance to parents, grandparents and friends. It was a fabulous afternoon and evening of music making, together with hundreds of UK schools and I have no doubt that it will live on in the memories of the children for many years to come.

We have ended the week with a continuation of Year 4's creativity as they have taken part in a Stage Make-up Workshop, using professional techniques and materials to create realistic looking injuries like those created for film and television. A fantastic insight into the industry and all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes as well as on stage.

Best wishes,

Nik Pears

From the Head of Pre-Prep



Dear Parents,

What an egg-citing week we have had with a giant egg arriving on our school grounds. Where did it come from? Who laid it? Why did it choose St Michael's? What hatched out? The clues have been increasing all week. Imaginations fired we have all been detectives and story writers. Thank you parents for joining in the mystery!

Reception would like to request if any parents have any baby doll clothes that your children have now stopped playing with, could we please have them? We have plenty of dolls, but they are all rather cold at the moment.

Pre-Prep will be celebrating World Book Day on Tuesday 5th March this year. This is 2 days earlier than the national World Book Day. The author Sophy Henn will be back with us to spend the day with the children. Dressing up as a book character is a must, so get thinking about those costumes.

It has been good to catch up with the Parent Reps of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 this week. Next week I shall be able to catch up with Kindergarten Class Reps on Monday 22nd January at 8.45am and Nursery Reps on Tuesday 23rd January at 8.45am. Please send any questions or comments to your Reps who will pass them on to me.  


Overheard in Pre-Prep:

Teacher: "Why do squirrels have tails?"

Child: "To swing their predators around."


Have a lovely weekend,

Zerrin Leech



This term we have welcomed the following individuals:

Anna Windover - Key Stage 1 Teacher

Anna windover

Anna is an enthusiastic, creative teacher with 24 years of experience working across Key Stage 1 and 2. She has a passion for music and has run a choir and several music ensembles for many years. She has had the additional responsibilities of Maths, Music, PE and MFL.

She is married with two children and has a dog who she enjoys taking on walks around Kent. In her spare time she enjoys playing the piano, reading and baking. Anna is excited to be joining the St Michael's team and getting to know the children, staff and parents.

St Michael's Prep new website coming soon

Our brand new website is launching next week. Please see the below guide for which heading to find information under on the new website.

St Michael's Prep website guide

A Monster Calls - book now!

The St Michael's Drama Department is proud to present A Monster Calls

Wednesday 13th March to Friday 15th March 2024

"Stories are wild creatures", the monster said. "When you let them loose, who knows what havoc they might wreak?"

Patrick Ness' piercing novel- brought vividly to life in this Olivier Award-winning play developed by Adam Peck and Sally Cookson.

Conor and his mum have managed just fine since his dad moved away. But now his mum is sick and she’s not going to get any better. His grandmother won’t stop interfering and the kids at school either won’t look him in the eye, or worse! He’s even alienating his best friend. Then, one night, Conor is woken by something at his window. A monster has come walking. It’s come to tell Conor tales from when it walked before and when it’s finished, Conor must tell his own story, and face his deepest fears.

Please bear in mind that some may find elements of this production upsetting, particularly the subject matter including scenes of bullying and bereavement.? We therefore recommend that this production is only suitable for brave Year 4s and above at parents' discretion. This production will also use strobe effect lighting and loud music. If you have any questions concerning the content of the play, please do contact Mr Powell or Mrs Scott for more information.

Doors open at 18:00 with a paid bar available. The performance will begin at 19:00 and late comers will not be admitted to the auditorium until the interval.

Please click here to buy your tickets.

Ticket Source A4

Approximately 30 tickets remaining; book now to avoid disappointment!


Advertise your business in our school play programme

Having recently begun rehearsals for our next school play A Monster Calls which pupils will be performing in March 2024, we are reaching out to local businesses who may be interested in advertising in our programme. Typically, our play is performed to 300 people across three performances and a programme is available to all audience members. Advert sizes available within our A4 programme are quarter-page ads (£25), half-page ads (£50), full-page ads (£100) and x1 full inside front cover ad (£150). If you would like to secure an advert in the programme or have any questions, please contact Taz Usher, Marketing and Media Manager, at tusher@stmichaels.kent.sch.uk. All funds raised from the programme advertising will be put towards school play costs.

Inter-House Senior and Junior Drama Duologue Competition

Contest dates

Heats: Monday 29th/Tuesday 30th/Wednesday 31st January (All day- pupils allocated audition times in advance) Finals: Monday 5th February- Juniors and Seniors from 6pm (drinks from 5.30pm) in the Drama Room Junior Division: Years 3 and 4 Senior Division: Years 5, 6, 7 and 8   Using a published (can be online), play script (no film or TV scripts or self-written), pupils form into pairs (both from the same house) to perform a chosen section of between 2 and 5 minutes in length. There should be a spotlight on character development and conveying emotion through the use of a dramatic text. Props or costumes may be used. Performances can also include an introduction written by the pupil to contextualize the performance and state the title and the author if they wish, but this is not compulsory. Contestants must supply an original, unmarked copy of the script upon entering the room. Marks will be lowered if the script is not supplied. All sections must be presented from memory- no scripts will be allowed for performance.  



Each section will be marked out of 25 TOTAL /100  



Candidates will be expected to show appropriate use of pitch, pace and tone to convey meaning and interpretation of the text. Diction and clarity will be an important part of this.


Candidates will be marked on creation of believable characters in both appropriate vocal choice and physicality, including movement choices. The use of additional mediums including props and costume will be considered.


Candidates will be marked on their ability to sustain their characterisations, know their text and demonstrate their relationship to the audience.


Candidates will be marked on all their choices in respect of the actual text, including observing period, style and context. House points avail for all entering


Highlights from last year's event can be viewed here:


Seniors win bronze at Hawthorns Netball Tournament

U12 13 Hawthorns Tournament

Last Saturday a group of Years 7 and 8 girls took part in the Hawthorns U12/U13 Netball Tournament. Despite the freezing conditions, the girls played brilliantly, winning 5 of their 7 matches.

Overall, the girls finished in 3rd place and came home with the bronze medal. It was a fantastic morning of netball and the girls should be proud of themselves. Thank you also to all the parents who came along and braved the elements to support the team.

Mrs Denton, Head of Girls' Games

Egg mystery inspires the Big Write

Social media collage

Appearing on Monday, a large, mysterious egg has been the talk of Pre-Prep as the children have used both their imagination and detective skills to decipher where it came from and what hatched from it!

Exploring rocks and fossils!

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The first of our Year 3 classes enjoyed an immersive day of rock discovery on Monday as the children took part in a range of hands on activities to broaden their understanding of petrology.

Led by the enthusiastic Mr Berry from The Education People, the pupils observed rock particles and learnt challenging vocabulary, as well as making their own volcano and metamorphic rock replicas.

Commenting on the day, Year 3 pupil Elizabeth said: "Rocks Day was really fun! My favourite part was making the sedimentary rocks using sand, stone, pebbles and a pretend river."  

Year 4 shine at London's O2 arena

Beige Blue Modern Photo Paris Collage LinkedIn Post

On Wednesday 18th January, Year 4 joined 8700 other children at the O2 Arena in London to form the world's largest school choir. Singing songs such as the Matilda Medley and Moana mash-up, Year 4 performed beautifully creating a memorable experience for all.
Although the day was long and tiring for all involved, the children were fantastically energetic and well behaved throughout the day, creating a memorable evening for all who participated and those watching. Thank you to all those that came and supported as well as the fabulous team who helped make the day possible.
Mr Morgan, Head of Year 4

A masterclass in stage make-up

Brown Orange Playful Geometric My Dreams Board Photo Collage (3)

Year 4 stepped into the gory world of stage make-up this morning with Kate Griffiths, a professional from the industry. The professional theatrical make-up artist, who has worked in TV, film and the West End, showed the children how to create a realistic wound using Play-Doh, baby lotion, glue and fake blood. The pupils responded with excitement and enthusiasm, creating some impressive fake injuries which had our stomachs churning!


Charlie E for excellent listening and working hard to do the right thing

Felix B for wonderful ideas and brilliant enthusiasm over the discovery of the ‘egg’

Ethan G for becoming far more adventurous in our writing activities

Callie L for independently writing interesting sentences about the egg

Aria L for using brilliant imaginative skills to aid her writing

Teddy D for good listening skills and participation in lessons this week

Max Z for wonderful ideas and descriptive vocabulary when talking about the mysterious egg

Thomas D for excellent engagement with our topic of pirates

Grace F for writing some fantastic questions about the mystery egg

Ivy R for creating a beautiful pastel pirate self-portrait

Ivan K for careful descriptive writing about the egg

Florence W for writing an imaginative prediction for what she thought was inside the egg and where it had come from

Beau B for carefully counting and adding different amounts of money

Anika B for her brilliant prediction about the mysterious egg

Fleur S for an enthusiastic response to the mysterious egg

Charlotte P for an amazing piece of descriptive writing about what she thought could be inside the egg

Caspar H for being brave when jumping from heights in gymnastics

Rafferty R for sensible, independent work during gymnastics lessons


Times Tables Certificates

Bronze Times Table Certificate: Rosie C and Freya E


Isabel E for a wonderful effort with your moon diary, showing a full lunar cycle from your own observations, and including lots of additional facts about space

Daniel B for a stunning presentation on the circus that Daniel took the time to create during the Christmas holidays

Email signature

Players of the match - week commencing 15th January
Team Name Reason
U8A Harry B For his great try scoring
U8B Tom B Voted by opposition
U8C Albie C For great tries and work rate
U8D Daniel B For scoring 5 tries
Senior U13 1st Team Amelia A Voted for by the opposition
Senior U13 2nd Team Tilly L Voted for by the opposition
Senior U13 3rd Team Hannah J For great goal scoring
U11A Sophie F Raven S Voted for by opposition Kept calm under great pressure
U11B Stella T Eva S Both listening to coaching advice and awesome defence
U11C Ellie S Voted for by the opposition
U10A Grace P Chisombei O Voted by opposition for excellent defence For great interceptions
U10B Iris L Voted for by opposition and great attacking play
U10C Annabella S Bethan D Voted for by opposition For good defending
U10D Ava Grace M Voted for by opposition and for good shooting
U9A Elodie B Ayla A Voted for by opposition For playing out of position and scoring goals
U9B Arya G Voted for by the opposition
U9C Erin O Isla B Voted for by the opposition Great defence
U9D Tara W Grace L Voted for by opposition For excellent scoring and goals
U8A Nzu O   Evelyn T Voted for by opposition and some great interceptions For great passing on court
U8B Amy H Voted for by opposition and for playing with great determination
U8C Charlotte D Voted by opposition and great defence



Hive newsletter collage (2)

True to our frosty weather this week, the Breakfast Club have enjoyed making snowmen out of marshmallows, icing sugar, chocolate buttons and wafers. In the Hive we have begun to make hats using a circular knitting machine and the children have loved learning how it works. Both clubs still enjoy using the sewing machine, as we continue to make stuffed animals and create our Elmer inspired patchwork blanket for the sofa.

Junoberry Young Poetry Prize 2024

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Please find details above of the Junoberry Young Poetry Prize 2024 including a Themed Writing: Mother’s Day competition and the first of our monthly Genre Shorts challenges. In our Shoot for the Stars section this week, we've featured some recent St Michael's successes linked to these if you need some inspiration.


Anouk and Robert's Christmas short stories!

Small illustrations xylophonre   Copy

Well done to Year 7 pupil Anouk and Year 5 pupil Robert for entering JunoBerry's Christmas short story competition.

Anouk's story The Dark Christmas was among the top stories submitted in the 11 and under category. Roberts story The Santa Swap was placed in the 11 and under category's long list.

This is an amazing achievement and both their stories were published in JunoBerry's Seasonal Shorts Anthologies and are available on Amazon in paperback, hardback and as an eBook.

Fantastic work!



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St Michael's cookbook competition

A group of St Michael's parents are creating a St Michael's cookbook and as part of that, are launching a recipe and drawing competition.

Recipe competition

We would love for children to submit their favourite food recipe (snack, main, dessert etc.). This should include ingredients list with quantities, a method and a drawing of the finished food (by hand or computer).

Art competition

We would like children to submit pictures of their favourite school meal or food they’ve had at school. This can be by hand or by computer.


This is across the whole school and there will be separate winners for Prep and Pre-Prep. The judges will include Mr Pears and Mrs Leech. The winners will receive copies of the cookbook along with St Michael's aprons.

The closing date for entries is Friday 22nd March 2024.

Please email all entries to stmcookbook24@gmail.com.



Half Term staff sports camps

Mr Thomas' February Half Term Hockey Camp

Mr Thomas will be holding his Half Term Hockey Camp at Hollybush Hockey Pitch on:

Monday 12th February Tuesday 13th February Please click here to book.


Please click the above banner for information about upcoming Senior School open events.

Follow us on social media!

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Make sure you are following St Michael’s social media channels for important updates and content throughout the year.

In this section