Weekly Newsletter Friday 17th May 2024

Friday 17th May 2024A year at St Michael's banner

From the Head

Dear Parents,

Thank you to those of you who joined us at the P & F Carnival Ball last Saturday which was a breathtaking occasion. The decoration, the catering, the entertainment; quite simply everything was spectacular and I am enormously proud to say that the auction raised £18,334 for the charities Emily Ash Trust and Friends for Families as well as the P & F St Michael’s playground initiative. Thank you to the Parents and Friends Association, Ball Committee, generous sponsors and contributing staff for all of their hard work and dedication to making this event so memorable for the St Michael's community. 

Fresh back from our Music Tour to Florence which you can view highlights of in today's newsletter, this week has been filled with challenge, discovery and adventure as a series of outings, events and presentations have encouraged us to be brave and inquisitive in our learning.

Children across Prep have impressed and engaged their peers with fascinating presentations as part of the St Michael's Challenge. From cats, knitting and 3D printers to the Titanic and structure of rainforests, a variety of topics were researched, presented and discussed throughout the sessions and the children should be very proud of their work. 

On Monday our Chamber Choir performed in Rochester Cathedral as part of the IAPS Festival of Singing. Thank you to the Music Team for organising this magnificent opportunity for the pupils and congratulations to our musicians for representing St Michael's in remarkable style as ever. 

Challenge Club had the unique opportunity to visit the Royal Courts of Justice on Tuesday where they had a captivating insight into the justice system and even got to act in their own cyberbullying trial dressed in legal attire! Thank you to Madame Poracchia for organising this enriching experience for the pupils.

Meanwhile, skateboards were the theme of Year 5's trip to the Design Museum on Tuesday as the children enjoyed an interesting exhibition and some first hand inspiration for their Design Technology project from London's own skateboarders! Thank you to Ms Gilbrook for organising this brilliant trip. 

Closer to home, our Year 1 children explored the local village of Shoreham on Wednesday as part of their Houses and Homes topic. They looked closely at the interesting history and architecture of the village as well as posting their own postcards home.

On Thursday and Friday Year 6 stepped into their History textbooks for Victorian Day, exploring the school and home lives of Victorian children with many exciting activities and role play. Thank you to Mrs Dodd for her enthusiasm in leading this event as well as visiting actor Ian from History Off the Page for well and truly bringing this experience to life.  

All of this has been against a backdrop of having a team from the Independent Schools Inspectorate with us in school. We appreciate you taking the time to complete their surveys this week. 

I'd like to end by thanking you all for your patience on Thursday with another local water outage. As you will know, this is an incident out of our control, however I am grateful to you all for your support and understanding as well as our staff body for being an exceptional team. 

Wishing you a brilliant weekend.

Best wishes,

Nik Pears

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From the Head of Pre-Prep

Zerrin Leech

Dear Parents,

What a week! When a school is being inspected, the staff wish that everything will run like clockwork. We want our team of inspectors to see us at our best. Thursday at least showed what the school could do when faced with no water for flushing toilets, washing hands, drinking or cooking lunch. Thank you for picking your children up so promptly and with good humour. There’s nothing like a crisis to pull our team together!

Year 1 had a lovely time in Shoreham on Wednesday and posted their own postcards to their houses. It will be interesting to see if they are all delivered at the same time.

Next week is our last before the half term holiday. I’ve already been told by one of the children that they will be spending their week in a tree house; how wonderful.

On Wednesday children will have a woodwind demonstration in assembly so be prepared for your children to be asking to have clarinet lessons. In the afternoon we have new Reception children who are joining us in September coming in for a play session.

I am looking forward to going to the Music Scholars' Concert at Shoreham Church next Thursday evening. It is always incredible to hear what our children have achieved musically. We sometimes have past Music Scholars who turn up to say hello and tell us what they are currently doing. It should be a great evening.

Next Friday we have Sports Day for Pre-Prep. Reception start off the day at 9am down on the field. Year 1 will continue the day at 11am and Year 2 will take over in the afternoon at 1.40pm until the end of the school day. Please meet us down near the running track. The P & F Coffee Cart will be there to keep you supplied with coffee and pastries. Please do not buy food for your children as they will not be able to eat it until they are in your car and heading home at the end of the day. Mr Davies has sent you all a letter outlining the basics for the day and reminding you about the PE kit that the children need to be wearing as they come in on Friday.

Good luck to all those taking part in the dance show at the Stag Theatre this weekend. I am looking forward to seeing you.

Overheard in Pre-Prep:

To the teacher: "Come quickly, look at the perseverance going on over here!"

Have a lovely weekend,

Zerrin Leech

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Returning to school following illness

Please be aware of the policy around returning to school after your child has been unwell. Your child must stay home for 48 hours after their last bout of vomiting or diarrhoea and 24 hours after their last fever. There are more detailed exclusion periods in the Parent handbooks (Pre-Prep pages 15-16, Prep pages 20-21). This is not only to protect other students and staff from becoming unwell, but it also protects family members. We do have students and staff who are immunocompromised and sending your unwell child in puts them at greater risk. Thank you.

Please click here to view the Pre-Prep Parents' Handbook

Please click here to view the Prep Parents' Handbook

Mrs Carlton, School Nurse


Pupil Ski Trip 2025 - final chance to book!

This is your final call to book your child onto the 2025 Pupil Ski Trip to Les Deux Alpes next Easter. If your child is keen to go or has been considering it over the past few weeks and would like to go for it, please email fwiseman@stmichaels.kent.sch.uk as soon as possible. 

This trip is open to children currently in Years 4, 5, 6 (those staying at St Michael's) and 7. 

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School NewsP & F Carnival Ball 2024

Purple Illustrated Carnival 2023 Flyer

St Michael's P&F Carnival Ball was an incredible night. It was so lovely seeing so many parents and staff across the years come together for a fun evening of good food, laughter, dancing and fun. The Emily Ash Trust was also in attendance and they were blown away by the generosity and kindness of the St Michael's community.

We are thrilled by the £18,334 raised from the auction for the charities Emily Ash Trust and Friends for Families as well as the St Michael's Playground initiative - thank you! And congratulations to Julie Barnes who won the diamond ring!  

Thank you to everyone who helped in one way or another - we could not have done it without you!

The Parents and Friends Association

P & F


Memories of a lifetime on Tuscany Music Tour

We are thrilled to recount some of our adventures from last week’s Music Tour to the enchanting region of Tuscany. With 66 eager Years 5 to 8 children and nine dedicated staff members, we embarked on a journey filled with music, culture and unforgettable experiences.

We left Heathrow en route to Pisa early Tuesday morning, brimming with excitement despite the torrents of rain upon our arrival. Yet nothing could dampen our spirits as we savoured a delicious pizza lunch, seeking refuge from the rain, before delving into a guided tour of the monumental Piazza dei Miracoli.

Against the backdrop of the Leaning Tower and the stunning Battistero di San Giovanni, our voices resonated within the ancient walls of the cathedral, captivating passing tourists with our harmonious melodies. As the sun emerged from behind the clouds, we ascended the iconic Leaning Tower and admired the breathtaking views that awaited us. With Florence beckoning, we embarked on a coach journey to our accommodation at the Plus Hotel, eager for the adventures that awaited. Fortune smiled upon us as the weather transformed, blessing us with Tuscan sunshine and blue skies.

Wednesday saw us meandering through the historic centre of Florence, crossing the Arno River to the panoramic Piazzale Michelangelo. Here, amidst the fragrant rose gardens, we enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch, punctuated by impromptu performances that echoed through the terracotta streets. After lunch, dressed in school uniforms, much to the amusement of passers-by, we ventured to St Mark's English Church for our inaugural formal concert and gave a superb performance on the staircase to lure locals and tourists into the church for our concert. The concert was a resounding success that left hearts brimming with pride. We presented the church with a small plaque to commemorate our visit and the fraternal connection between our two institutions. The evening unfolded in a symphony of Tuscan flavours and laughter as we celebrated a birthday amidst traditional delicacies and gelato delights.

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Thursday dawned with an interactive exploration of Florence, guided by local experts who unveiled the city's secrets with vibrant storytelling. Our journey continued with a visit to a nearby school where our voices intertwined with those of 90 Italian children in a harmonious celebration of music and fun. Thursday evening culminated in us enjoying an inspirational concert at the illustrious Teatro Verdi where we were enraptured by the melodies of the Tuscan Orchestra performing works by Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert. 

Friday brought a day of exhilarating thrills at the Cavallino Matto theme park, weaving through high-adrenaline roller coasters and gentle attractions alike, amidst the picturesque Tuscan countryside.

Throughout our journey, the pupils of St Michael's Prep School showcased not only their musical talents but also their exemplary conduct, embodying the spirit of camaraderie and cultural appreciation. As we prepare to share the myriad memories captured in countless photographs and video clips with our Tour Choir parents, we reflect upon the bonds forged and the melodies shared, cherishing the echoes of Tuscany that will resonate within our hearts forever more.

Until next time, may the music of life continue to guide our footsteps on paths yet to be explored.

Mr Baird, Director of Music

Music Tour memories:

"My favourite part was the theme park and visiting Pisa. It was fun climbing up the leaning tower of Pisa and at the top the views were stunning. Performing in the church and cathedral was a magical experience. To warm ourselves up, we busked outside to attract people in to watch. The public were blown away by our performances which was lovely to see." – Irena G

"The trip was an amazing experience and I enjoyed getting the opportunity to hang out with my friends and create memories we’ll always remember. I liked the independence I felt on the trip, especially when we were allowed to explore the theme park." – Amelia N

"I would definitely recommend the Music Tour to the younger years as it’s a great experience where you can try new things and create great memories." - Talulah D

"My favourite part was when we busked because it was nice singing out in the open to strangers; it really gave me confidence." - Lev V

"I really liked the Gladius Restaurant in Florence where I tried pappa al pomodora, a tasty Tuscan bread soup." - Oliver N

"I enjoyed the hot weather, views in Italy and learning all about the interesting history that surrounded us." - Clara H

"My favourite part was the theme park: it was a lovely sunny day and the rides were so fun, especially the yellow one and the water themed ones." - Alex S

"Singing in the church boosted my confidence." - Kayla K


132 St Michael's pupils conquer charity triathlon!

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St Michael's PE Department is overwhelmed and delighted by our pupils' astonishing response to this year's Knight Frank Schools Triathlon held at Sevenoaks School last Sunday.

In total, 132 St Michael's Years 3 to 6 children took part in the event which raised money for the charity Restless Development who support, train and mentor young people in Africa. A proportion of the money raised by the children will also be going to Demelza charity who St Michael's have chosen to support.

The Triathlon is a team event. Our pupils had to arrange a team of 4 and decide on a crazy team name such as The Chicken Nuggets, The Flaming Rockets, The Fantastic Flying Falcons and The Dunkin Doggy Doughnuts to name a few.


It was beautiful, sunny day where all our young triathletes swam, cycled and ran their hearts out. Their effort, enthusiasm and smiling faces were inspiring to all who watched.

The St Michael’s teams had much success with The Chicken Nuggets Years 3 and 4 team finishing in 3rd place and The Four Fabs Years 5 and 6 team finishing in 4th place.

Huge congratulations and well done to all of our fantastic pupils who took part and helped to raise a lot of money for a fantastic cause. If you would like to view all the results, please click on the link below.

Please click here to view the results of this year's event

Thank you for inspiring me.

Mr Brightman, Director of Sport


Maths Countdown Competitions

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Over the past three Friday lunchtimes the Prep children have been putting their arithmetic skills to the test in the annual Maths Countdown Competition. We had 73 children take part across all year groups.

The children are given three minutes to get as close to the target number as possible using the given numbers. We had some very tense and tight competitions and 3 places had to be decided with a sudden death round!

The results of the competition are as follows:

Year 3

1st: Teddy G

2nd: Tom B

3rd: Jacob F


Year 4

1st: Daniel W

2nd: Miranda H

3rd: Isaac O


Year 5

1st: Adam J

2nd: Zi Chen G

3rd: Ella C


Year 6

1st: Sophie F

2nd: Alice O

3rd: Theo H


Year 7

1st: Jamie D

2nd: Toluwa O

3rd: Xander S


Year 8

1st: Louisa W

2nd: Evie S

3rd: Amelia A


A huge congratulations to all that took part, helping to make it an exciting event for all. Everybody did brilliantly and I am looking forward to next year’s competition already!

A big thanks also to the Years 7 and 8 pupils who helped with the younger competitions and made it run smoothly.

Mr Fuller, Maths Teacher

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Challenge Club experience London's Royal Courts of Justice

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On Tuesday Challenge Club pupils from Years 6, 7 and 8 visited the National Museum of Justice. We began preparing for the trip two weeks ago and were excited to re-enact a trial on cyberbullying. 

We arrived at Sevenoaks Train Station to get the train to Charing Cross. From there, we walked to the Royal Courts of Justice, stopping to look at Cleopatra’s needle and the statue of Robert Burns. The architecture is spectacular and there are over 90 court rooms. Our “trial” took place in Court Room 63. It was surprisingly small and modern with a lot of chairs! There was also a raised platform for the judge. 

Kat, our guide, answered all of our questions about the room and taught us about the justice system. Then we discussed everyone’s roles in our court case and it was time to start. Our case was based on a real story. We even got the chance to wear robes and wigs made from real horse hair and costing from £500 to £3,000. After listening to many witnesses and answering questions from the defence and prosecution, the jury and the judge decided that the teenager accused of harassment was guilty.

When we left we were starving and found a lovely hidden park in the middle of London where we ate our packed lunches. Then we strolled around London and saw many historical places, hidden streets, statues and magnificent buildings. We jumped on the train at London Bridge Station back to Sevenoaks where two school minibuses were waiting for us. 

An amazing day and experience!

Words by Amelia A, Matilda M and Louisa W, Year 8 


St Michael's Challenge

St Michael's Challenge

This week we have thoroughly enjoyed learning from the children during their St Michael’s Challenges. As always we are amazed with the creativity, enthusiasm and varied topics that have piqued interest! From the depths of the Mariana Trench to Roman Top Trumps, Greeks Gods, The Benefits of Sport, The History of Pop Music, Optical Illusions, The Rainforest, Space and some interesting role models to name a few. The children’s confidence continues to grow year on year and we would like to thank you for the support from home. We still have a few presentations to enjoy and this will be planned into next week. 

Mrs Clarke, Deputy Head (Academic)


Skateboard exhibition inspires Year 5 designers

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Year 5 had a brilliant trip to the Design Museum on Tuesday to watch the skateboarders under Royal Festival Hall. We visited the SKATEBOARD exhibition which showcased the history of the sport and featured articles from famous skateboarders. There was a working skateboard which could be taken apart and rebuilt, fingerboards which the children could try to perform tricks with and historical artefacts from original, home made skateboards to the very modern boards of today.

Whilst there, we also visited the Designer-Maker-User exhibition showcasing some iconic pieces of design and how technological developments have changed and informed the designs of today in comparison to designs of the past. A particular highlight of this part of the visit was the crowd-sourced wall where members of the public had been asked to nominate some of their favourite items of design – from the humble clothes peg right up to the bicycle and many more. This celebrated that every single product has been designed, by someone, to do a specific job, no matter how small or insignificant the product may appear.

After lunch and visiting the shop, we travelled back to Southbank and walked to the skate park built underneath Royal Festival Hall to watch the skateboarders and take photos of the graffiti there. This inspired the children, giving them ideas for the design of their own model skateboards.

Everyone had a great time discovering more about this extreme sport and we are all looking forward to putting what we learnt to good use back in St Michael's Design Technology studio.

Ms Gilbrook, Art and Design Technology Teacher


Year 1 explore Shoreham 


Year 1 had a lovely morning visiting Shoreham on Wednesday. The children searched the village to answer their question booklets with enthusiasm and interest. Perhaps the most exciting part of the day was when they got to deliver the postcard they have written to themselves via the post box. We then visited Shoreham Church where the children admired the stained glass windows. We were particularly impressed with how polite and sensible the children were as they walked around the village.

Mrs Grove, Year 1 Teacher


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P & F Golf Day at The Darenth

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Please click here to book your place on the P & F Golf Day.

St Michael's Umbrellas

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International Club News


MX Fencing Club half term courses

Did your child enjoy our recent fencing assembly and workshop? Experience fencing with MX Fencing Club's beginner courses during May half term. 

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News from Eco Club banner

Could you be a St Michael's Beach Hero?



Hattie is a St Michael's Beach Hero!

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Thank you to Hattie R in Year 2 who has become a Beach Hero by spending the weekend giving Whitstable Beach a little spring clean.




This week in The Hive we’ve had fun squeezing lots of lemons to make a refreshing lemonade drink.  

Both the Breakfast Club and The Hive cut up slices of apples, dipped them into melted chocolate and added sprinkles to make a tasty apple lolly treat. The Breakfast Club also had opportunities to make a yoghurt apple lolly too.

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Pre-Prep Gold Stars

Peter C for using his problems solving skills effectively to create triangles from different shapes and then using his understanding of pattern to see how to make a bigger triangle

Max M for super involvement, enthusiasm and ideas when creating a habitat for his Bog Baby

Allegra F for fantastic enthusiasm when looking at ways of making 10 and 20

Arthur L for persevering to finish work to a good standard

Rudy F for being a super star this week!

Reuben S for making excellent progress in reading

Millie W for excellent problem-solving skills when making equal groups

Erin S for coping so well in lessons with her broken arm!

Noah M for creating a fantastic non-fiction poster about Komodo Dragons

Leo V for excellent enthusiasm and engagement in all our science lessons

Faith A for making good progress in her swimming lessons

Mason M for making good progress in his swimming lessons

Ella F for showing great perseverance this week when facing some tricky Maths problems

Anika B for a well thought out and detailed plan for her sequel to Flotsam

Zaviyar A for brilliant understanding of fractions and finding non-unit fractions of amounts.

Serena G for fantastic use of vocabulary when ordering events in a story

Mia D for great participation in our Maths lessons on fractions

All of 1FG, 1G and 1RW for beautifully representing St Michael's during their trip to Shoreham

Millie W, Bella S, Lucas T, Nikita V, George P, Lottie B, Frank P, Charlie C, Rosanna C, Daphne S, Jude S, Willow C, Woody W, Thora W, Tancred B, Poppy R, Ella M, Reis N, Freya E, Arthur G for being good ambassadors for St Michael’s during our Inspection.


House Point Certificates 

Dover: Aaliya S; Thea L and Zohan A

Leeds: Hattie R and Rosanna C

Rochester: Ethan M and Hugo E

Windsor: Elise A; Dan L; Harvey R and Arthur R


Times Tables Certificates 

Gold Times Tables Certificate: Danny S


Players of the match banner

Players of the Match – week commencing 13th May 2024







Senior 1st Team

Oliver S

Charlie W

Good batting and bowling

Good bowling

Senior 3rd Team

Demi W

Great fielding and taking a wicket

Senior 4th Team

Yarik P

Betsie B

Mikayla M

For good batting

Voted by opposition

Voted by opposition

Colts A

Hugo M

Finley S

Quick and accurate bowling

Colts B

Iris L

For superb and accurate bowling

Colts C

Mollie H

For fast, accurate bowling

Colts D

Taran Singh M

Excellent bowling and taking two wickets

Colts E

Luke S

Alexander M

Good fielding and accurate bowling

Accurate bowling and taking a wicket

Aces A

Tara C

Amelia N

Amelia B


Sofia V

Voted by opposition for batting

Voted by opposition for bowling

For taking 2 wickets and only 2 runs scored off her over

Scored 13 runs off her over- including a 6!

Aces B

Abigail S

Grace P

Scoring a double wicket maiden over

Scoring 14 runs off the bat including 3 boundaries

Aces C

Irena G

Lana C

Nicole C

Voted by opposition for good bowling

Voted by opposition for good batting

For good batting and scoring a 6!

Aces D

Kim V

Ava M

Good batting

For good bowling


Shoot for the stars

Rafi shoots his way to team's football victory!

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Congratulations to Rafi O in Year 2 who triumphed at the U7 God Cup Final last weekend. Following a win last year, the team returned to protect their cup title. At half time, the team was down 3-0 but managed to get back to 3-3 with a few minutes to go. Rafi then scored the goal to make it 4-3 with the final score being 5-3.

Amazing work, Rafi; keep up the great football!


Matilda wins bronze in Kent hurdle championships

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We are incredibly proud of Matilda M in Year 8 who won bronze for the 75m hurdles event at the Kent County Athletics Championships last weekend. Hosted at the Julie Rose stadium in Ashford, Matilda beat her PB with a time of 11.71 seconds, placing her top 12 in the country!

Congratulations, Matilda!


Miranda wins gold at Blackheath Music Festival

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Congratulations to Miranda H in Year 4 for winning the Gold Award at the Blackheath Music Festival. She played two contrasting pieces by Tchaikovsky and was praised by the Adjudicator for her elegant shaping and lovely, light phrasing. It was a tremendous result for Miranda and we are so proud of her!


Half Term staff sports camps

Mr Thomas’ Half Term Hockey Camp

Mr Thomas will be holding his Half Term Hockey Camp at Hollybush Hockey Pitch on:

Tuesday 28th May

Wednesday 29th May

Please click here to book.


Camp Beaumont is back this summer!

Camp Beaumont is coming back to St Michael's for summer from Monday 15th July to Friday 16th August 2024.

Click here to book your child's place

Use code STMICHAELS24 for 10% off your booking.



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Please click the above banner for information including: 

Cranbrook School Open Evening

Cobham Hall Taster Afternoon and Optional Sleepover

King's School Canterbury Open Morning

Sevenoaks School Holiday Activity Programme

State Secondary School Open Events

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Community News notices banner

Please click the above banner for notices including:

Midsummer at Archbishop's Palace, Otford

Dulwich Cranbrook Triathlon 

How to spot an Asian Hornet 

Sevenoaks Vine Cricket Club


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Make sure you are following St Michael’s social media channels for important updates and content throughout the year.

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