Weekly Newsletter Friday 10th May 2024

Friday 10th May 2024A year at St Michael's banner

From the Head

Dear Parents,

I am writing to you from glorious Florence where our Music Tour Choir is having a magnificent time exploring the delights of Italy and sharing their talents with locals and tourists from across the globe. From touring the Tower of Pisa and performing in Churches and Cathedrals, to enjoying authentic pizza and ice cream, the tour has been filled with magical moments which the children and staff can't wait to share with their friends and family at home. Thank you to the Music Team for organising this unforgettable experience.

On Tuesday we were delighted to welcome Mrs Little from the International Club to speak to Pre-Prep about life growing up in Japan. The children learnt so much during the assembly and were particularly fascinated by the schooling system there. 

Many Science experiments have been enjoyed at St Michael's this week as pupils have participated in plant surveys, food testing and dissecting activities. Thank you to the Science Team for leading these interactive activities and regularly taking learning outdoors to explore all that St Michael's 100 acres can teach us. 

We were also thrilled to receive the news of our judokas' success at the National IAPS Championships last weekend where all 15 St Michael's competitors brought home Gold, Silver or Bronze medals. This is an incredible achievement and we congratulate the children who took part as well as their inspirational coach, Chris Bowles. 

Wishing you a brilliant weekend.

Best wishes,

Nik Pears

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From the Head of Pre-Prep

Zerrin Leech

Dear Parents,

At last sunshine! We started the week with a lovely assembly by Mrs Little all about growing up in Japan. There were several highlights but the favourite for the teachers, was that Japanese children are expected to clean the school at the end of every day. If there are any more parents who would like to tell us about growing up in a different country, we would love to book you in for an assembly.

It was good to see the Nursery parents on Wednesday and Thursday this week despite the traffic frustrations particularly on Thursday. On Wednesday evening we entertained the parents who will be bringing their two-year-olds to us in September. Every year it takes me by surprise as some of the babies of your family are now going to be old enough to join St Michael’s.

Next Wednesday Year 1 will be heading out to Shoreham to look at the different styles of house in the village. The children will be travelling in the school minibuses. If the weather remains sunny, please remember school sun hats and put suntan lotion on before you leave the house.

There will be a Stubbers Information Morning for Year 2 parents on Thursday 16th May. Join Mr Davies and me for a coffee and a discussion about the two-day trip at 8.45am. We will aim to finish by 9.30am. If you have already sent a child on this trip and feel comfortable about the details, please don’t feel you have to be here. However, it is good to see you and you may be able to reassure other parents who haven’t experienced an overnight school trip before.

I am sure everyone is looking forward to the P & F Carnival Ball tomorrow evening. A huge thank you to the P&F team who took time off work today to make the Sports Hall look spectacular!

Overheard in Pre-Prep: Child to teacher

"Are you tired? The bags under your eyes look really big!"

Have a lovely weekend.

Zerrin Leech

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Staff News
We are delighted to welcome the following individual to St Michael's who joined us this week:

Lynda Binns - Admissions Officer

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Lynda is stepping into the role of Admissions Officer at St Michael's. She joins us from another local independent school where she spent the last seven years in the Front Office. She loved interacting with the pupils and parents on a daily basis.

She has spent most of her life in the Kent area, taking a few years away to study at the University in Manchester. Lynda loves being active, taking part in netball, kickboxing and taekwon-do which she does with her two children regularly. She also enjoys reading, cooking and spending time with her family.

She is looking forward to joining the Admissions and Marketing Team and becoming part of the St Michael's community.


St Michael's Challenge presentation reminder

We are looking forward to seeing and hearing our Years 3 to 6 children present their St Michael’s Challenges on either Monday 13th May or Wednesday 15th May. Please ensure that your children bring in everything that they need on Monday 13th May. 

We cannot wait to hear about their projects! A reminder that the success criteria they will receive feedback against can be found on our website and the main focus is developing their presentation skills. 

Please click here to view the success criteria

Watch out for highlights in next week’s newsletter.


Returning to school following illness

Please be aware of the policy around returning to school after your child has been unwell. Your child must stay home for 48 hours after their last bout of vomiting or diarrhoea and 24 hours after their last fever. There are more detailed exclusion periods in the Parent handbooks (Pre-Prep pages 15-16, Prep pages 20-21). This is not only to protect other students and staff from becoming unwell, but it also protects family members. We do have students and staff who are immunocompromised and sending your unwell child in puts them at greater risk. Thank you.

Please click here to view the Pre-Prep Parents' Handbook

Please click here to view the Prep Parents' Handbook

Mrs Carlton, School Nurse


Pupil Ski Trip 2025 - ONE remaining space!

There is ONE space remaining on our Pupil Ski Trip to Les Deux Alpes next Easter. If your child is keen to go, please email fwiseman@stmichaels.kent.sch.uk to avoid disappointment. The first email received will be going on the trip!

This trip is open to children currently in Years 4, 5, 6 (those staying at St Michael's) and 7. 

Ski collage


School News

St Michael's triumph in national judo championships!

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On Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th May a team of young judoka represented St Michael's Prep at the 2024 National IAPS Championships held at Bishopsgate School in Egham which was attended by schools from as far as Kendal, Cumbria.

Coach Chris Bowles was inspired by the tenacity and courage shown by the young girls and boys that competed in their first major competition. 

The were some outstanding performances and the young fighters showed maturity beyond their years.

Our young athletes secured the following medals.

Gold: Albie C, Cian C, Lana C and Rueben P

Silver: Espen A, William H, Walter M and Lev V

Bronze: Felix B, Zack E, Jacob F, Aiden G, Adam O, Arthur S and Raven S

The PE Team would like to say a huge thank you to Chris Bowles, Judo Coach, and Brenda for their time, dedication and being such an inspiration to our judo team.



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P & F Golf Day at The Darenth

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Please click here to book your place on the P & F Golf Day.

P & F Ball Auction 2024 is live!

We are thrilled to announce that the P & F Ball Auction is now live! 

Please click here to view the auction prizes and make your bids! Screenshot 2024 05 03 at 11.56.35Screenshot 2024 05 03 at 11.56.24Screenshot 2024 05 03 at 11.48.16

St Michael's Umbrellas

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International Club News

Pre-Prep discover life in Japan!

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On Tuesday morning Pre-Prep children were treated to a fascinating talk by Saori Little about going to school in Japan.

Schooling in Japan begins from the age of 6 and children walk (even in snow) or use local transport to get to school without an accompanying adult. They take turns to serve lunch to their school friends and the school is cleaned daily. The daily cleaning not only involves the classrooms, halls and pool before summer, but also the bathrooms. Our Pre-Prep children were definitely not keen on the idea of cleaning the toilets!

Schools in Japan have regular earthquake drills where the children use a special seat cushion to protect their heads during the evacuation.

Saori spoke about different public holidays in Japan including celebrating children, boys, girls and the elderly.

Many thanks to Saori for such an interesting and informative assembly.


News from Eco Club banner

Could you be a St Michael's beach hero?



Climate hero Izzy is praised by the Mayor!

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Congratulations to Year 5 pupil Izzy D whose passion and enthusiasm for climate change has been recognised by the Sevenoaks Climate Action Network. 

Praised for her efforts by the Mayor of Sevenoaks Councillor Claire Shea at the Sevenoaks Climate Fair on Saturday 4th May 2024, Izzy was named runner up of the 2024 Sevenoaks Climate Hero Award.

St Michael’s, and especially our Eco Club, are very excited and proud of Izzy's amazing achievement. 

Keep it up, Izzy!




Both the Breakfast Club and The Hive have enjoyed decorating biscuits to make tasty pirate treats this week.

In The Hive we’ve once again been busy in the garden, planting a few tomato plants together with some sweetcorn into our outdoor vegetable planters.

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Pre-Prep Gold Stars

Leo E for great concentration and super knowledge of all his number bonds to 10

Neve H for wonderful independent writing and giving her Bog Baby story a beginning, a middle and an end 

Olivia W for wonderful story language in her Bog Baby adventure

Edwin L for thoughtful contributions to our circle time about kindness

Hugo A for a fabulous Bog Baby adventure story using a story map

Frankie T for good independent story writing about her own Bog Baby

Gabriella A for staying engaged and working hard when doubling two-digit numbers in our Maths lessons

Nieve P for confident and fluent reading skills, including excellent use of expression

Oscar R for working with determination and focus when problem solving in Maths

Harry S for writing a fantastic postcard about Bertie Bear’s trip to London

Archie W for showing great perseverance in our arrays Maths lesson

Alex B for good collaborative work in our fact finding lesson

Ilse A for working exceptionally hard and showing fantastic enthusiasm in all lessons this week, particularly when sharing her knowledge about creatures that live in the Pacific Ocean

Beau B for applying his fantastic fractions knowledge to some challenging problems

Henry M for great predictions and book talk when sharing Flotsam

Rafferty R for showing great understanding of halves and quarters and finding a different way to cut his toast into four equal parts

Reis N for fantastic work on understanding fractions and knowing how to write them

Liza V, Zaviyah A, Hattie R, Elise A, Anika B, Ella M and Evelyn T for their excellent presentation of their plastic pollution posters in assembly

Charlie C for his clear and confident reading of a story in assembly


House Point Certificates 

Dover: Walter B, Leo E, Felix B and Florence E 

Rochester: Leo V 

Windsor: Woody W


Times Tables Certificates 

Silver Times Tables Certificate: Danny S  

Gold Times Tables Certificate: Charlie C  

Platinum Times Tables Certificate: Zaviyar A 


Players of the match banner

Players of the Match – week commencing 7th May 2024







Senior 1st and 2nd Teams

Evie S

Top run scorer and good bowling

Senior 3rd and 4th Teams

Yarik P


William C

Olivia O

Voted by opposition for great entertaining play

For great bowling

For great batting

Colts A/B

Finlay S

For excellent batting- 44 not out!

Colts C/D

Theo H

For being brave and giving wicket keeping a go

Aces A/B and Colts E

Luke S

Sofia V

Voted for by opposition

For great bowling

Aces C/D and Colts F Team 1

Sophie N

Jeremiah A

Voted by opposition

Voted by opposition

Aces C/D Team 2

Kim V

Cleo B

Good all round play

Voted for by opposition

U9A Boys

Edgar B

For his control when bowling

U9B Boys

Dylan H

Winston G

Voted for by opposition for good batting

Good bowling

U9C Boys

Max S

Bowling a maiden over

U9A Girls

Ellie S

Voted for by opposition

U9B Girls

Ella D

Louisa R

Great bowling including a wicket

Good batting including a boundary

U9C Girls

Tara W

Great batting and focus in the field

U8A Boys

Daniel B

Voted for by opposition

U8B Boys

Harry B

Voted for by opposition

U8C Boys

Arlo S

Enthusiastic fielding and bowling

U8A Girls

Nzu O

Voted by opposition for batting

U8B Girls

Olivia B

Olivia D

Good calling between wickets

Good, accurate bowling

U8C Girls

Charlotte D

Good batting and bowling


Shoot for the stars

St Michael's pupils become Hockey Champions!

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Congratulations to Amelia Rose B, Mollie H, Iris L and Anna W who recently, along with the rest of their team at Knole Park Hockey Club became South East U10 Hockey Champions at the weekend. 


Half Term staff sports camps

Mr Thomas’ Half Term Hockey Camp

Mr Thomas will be holding his Half Term Hockey Camp at Hollybush Hockey Pitch on:

Tuesday 28th May

Wednesday 29th May

Please click here to book.


Camp Beaumont is back this summer!

Camp Beaumont is coming back to St Michael's for summer from Monday 15th July to Friday 16th August 2024.

Click here to book your child's place

Use code STMICHAELS24 for 10% off your booking.

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Please click the above banner for information including: 

Cranbrook School Open Evening

Cobham Hall Taster Afternoon and Optional Sleepover

King's School Canterbury Open Morning

Sevenoaks School Holiday Activity Programme

State Secondary School Open Events

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Community News notices banner

Please click the above banner for notices including:

Midsummer at Archbishop's Palace, Otford

Dulwich Cranbrook Triathlon 

How to spot an Asian Hornet 

Sevenoaks Vine Cricket Club


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Make sure you are following St Michael’s social media channels for important updates and content throughout the year.

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