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Memories of a lifetime on Tuscany Music Tour

News - 17 May

We are thrilled to recount some of our adventures from last week’s Music Tour to the enchanting region of Tuscany. With 66 eager Years 5 to 8 children and nine dedicated staff members, we embarked on a journey filled with music, culture and unforgettable experiences.

We left Heathrow en route to Pisa early Tuesday morning, brimming with excitement despite the torrents of rain upon our arrival. Yet nothing could dampen our spirits as we savoured a delicious pizza lunch, seeking refuge from the rain, before delving into a guided tour of the monumental Piazza dei Miracoli.

Against the backdrop of the Leaning Tower and the stunning Battistero di San Giovanni, our voices resonated within the ancient walls of the cathedral, captivating passing tourists with our harmonious melodies. As the sun emerged from behind the clouds, we ascended the iconic Leaning Tower and admired the breathtaking views that awaited us. With Florence beckoning, we embarked on a coach journey to our accommodation at the Plus Hotel, eager for the adventures that awaited. Fortune smiled upon us as the weather transformed, blessing us with Tuscan sunshine and blue skies.

Wednesday saw us meandering through the historic centre of Florence, crossing the Arno River to the panoramic Piazzale Michelangelo. Here, amidst the fragrant rose gardens, we enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch, punctuated by impromptu performances that echoed through the terracotta streets. After lunch, dressed in school uniforms, much to the amusement of passers-by, we ventured to St Mark's English Church for our inaugural formal concert and gave a superb performance on the staircase to lure locals and tourists into the church for our concert. The concert was a resounding success that left hearts brimming with pride. We presented the church with a small plaque to commemorate our visit and the fraternal connection between our two institutions. The evening unfolded in a symphony of Tuscan flavours and laughter as we celebrated a birthday amidst traditional delicacies and gelato delights.

Rocks Day collage (1)

Thursday dawned with an interactive exploration of Florence, guided by local experts who unveiled the city's secrets with vibrant storytelling. Our journey continued with a visit to a nearby school where our voices intertwined with those of 90 Italian children in a harmonious celebration of music and fun. Thursday evening culminated in us enjoying an inspirational concert at the illustrious Teatro Verdi where we were enraptured by the melodies of the Tuscan Orchestra performing works by Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert. 

Friday brought a day of exhilarating thrills at the Cavallino Matto theme park, weaving through high-adrenaline roller coasters and gentle attractions alike, amidst the picturesque Tuscan countryside.

Throughout our journey, the pupils of St Michael's Prep School showcased not only their musical talents but also their exemplary conduct, embodying the spirit of camaraderie and cultural appreciation. As we prepare to share the myriad memories captured in countless photographs and video clips with our Tour Choir parents, we reflect upon the bonds forged and the melodies shared, cherishing the echoes of Tuscany that will resonate within our hearts forever more.

Until next time, may the music of life continue to guide our footsteps on paths yet to be explored.

Mr Baird, Director of Music